Monday, November 24, 2014

temporarily, goodbye...

Yesterday, I just decided to deactivate all of my social media accounts. Facebook, Twitter, Path, Instagram and the others (except blogger, whatsapp and line). Not only deactivate, but also uninstall all of these applications. Such a crazy decision, huh ? but, anyway, I choose to "deactivate" instead of "delete", because I'm pretty sure that one day I would probably open them again. 

Then, why I did it ?

There's no exact reason why I did it. Maybe I'm getting tired to surf around these things. Things that made me realize how I became more emotional and jealous towards people.

So..See you !

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

should I stay or should I go (?)

Sedang berada di ambang batas antara menyerah atau tetap bertahan. Ketika diri ini dipaksa untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang tidak disukai, terlebih lagi ketika harus menjadi seseorang yang bertolak belakang dengan dengan pribadi aslinya, perasaan itu...menyakitkan dan sangat menyebalkan. 

Ketika semua usaha dan kerja keras ini ternyata kalah oleh hal-hal yang berbau subjektif, ketika ternyata apa yang mereka lihat bukan hanya hasil pekerjaanmu, dan... ketika ternyata diri ini sudah tidak sanggup menerima semua ini.

I've tried to ask some suggestion from friends and family. Some of them (which are truly know what I feel) give me the courage to stop and go, but some said that I should stay and said that I'm not as strong as they thought. 

So, should I stay or should I go ?


when I choose to go, the next question is...where should I go ?


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